Thursday, May 28, 2015

Neurosurgeon...President?...Ben Carson

I first heard of Ben Carson several years ago when I watched Gifted Hands, a movie about his extraordinary life.  His life is very motivating and inspirational, if you are interested the movie is currently on Netflix.  His life and example are one of the driving motivators for my continued pursuit of a higher education. Once I heard he had announced to run for President I was eager to hear his thoughts about our country.

Larsen's Cultural Images and Myths   
Larson argues that the cultural myths of an audience, created by their value system, subconsciously influence the types of persuasion to which they will respond. Larson outlines a number of cultural myths common in America and provides examples of how persuaders used these myths to influence the public.

Larson’s first cultural myth, Wisdom of the Rustic, suggests that Americans value humble beginnings and believe that difficulty teaches. Larson’s second cultural myth, the Possibility of Success, is the idea that success comes to those who are honest and work hard. Larson’s third cultural myth, the Coming of a Messiah, centers on the idea that Americans seem to be waiting for a messiah. Larson’s fourth cultural myth, the Presence of Conspiracy, is the belief that big problems don’t have simple problems. Larson’s fifth cultural myth, the Value for Challenge, suggests that there is wisdom that can be gained only through challenge and suffering. Larson’s sixth cultural myth, the Eternal Return, refers to the idea that Americans yearn for and reenact better times from the past and seek to create new beginnings.

  The Possibility of Success, Wisdom of the Rustic, Coming of a Messiah (not who you would expect), and Eternal Return are strongly present throughout his announcement.

The Possibility of Success is evident early in his speech when he recalls the difficulties his mother faced.  According to Ben, his mothers hard work, honesty, and no-quit attitude are the reasons for his success.  According to Larsen's Myths, Ben's mother is the definition of the possibility of success.

Wisdom of the Rustic comes and goes throughout Ben's speech.  It is evident when he speaks of our founding fathers.  Using the example of the founding fathers reminds us of our humble beginnings, those humble and difficult beginnings have shaped us into what we are today.

One the most persuasive parts of his speech (for me) used Coming of a Messiah.  Clearly each candidate would want to paint themselves as the saving grace of America, however Ben did not.  Ben clearly sends the message that we the people are the messiah of  America.  Towards the end of his speech he briefly touches on reasons as to why he is a good candidate, but leaves the saving of America to it's citizens.

Eternal Return is as Wisdom of the Rustic, it comes and goes throughout his speech.  Ben talks of how America used to be, and how we can make America great once more.

Process Premise
Several needs were touched upon during his speech, specifically sense of roots and sense of power.  He mentions Americas roots reminding us what made America so great.  Reminding us of these roots gave me a sense of responsibility.  A type of responsibility that urges me to help America be great and not just average.

The sense of power is displayed when he speaks about taking our country back from the government.  That we the people need to run our government not the government running us.  He is reminding us that we have the power and that we should use that power to better ourselves and America.

Pride, happiness, and joy are the main emotions used during his speech.  Pride is used when he spoke of how great America is and how great the citizens are.  Looking back on how things once were uses happiness and joy as the driving emotions.  By looking back we can remember how happy America was, all because we were the greatest country in the world.  The sense of pride drives us to action, drives us to create a better America.

Ben's speech used all three types of attitudes; Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral.  Cognitively gets us thinking about how we should be running the government not the other way around.  Once those thoughts are in place emotionally I felt compelled to act. VOTE! Not just vote, but vote based off of knowledge. I like how he says he is not asking you to vote for him, but to vote based on knowledge.  He argues that we have an obligation to educate ourselves on each candidate and then "intellectually decide" who to vote for.

Cognitive dissonance is used often.  Loss of group prestige- America is not the greatest country anymore.  Economic Loss- America is no longer holds the strongest economy.  Loss of personal prestige- Because America is no longer the greatest, we are not the greatest.

The use of cognitive dissonance set the stage for consonance.  Reassurance of security- We can become the greatest again.  The use of rewards- Doing our part as citizens will be evident in better quality of life as we gain control over our government.

His speech had me cognitively engaged, emotionally engaged, and left me motivated to intellectually select a candidate to vote for in 2016.


  1. This was a great analysis Taylor. I like this speech for many reasons. First off Mr. Carson looks and sounds like an extremely relatable person. For a surgeon I would have thought that he could have a very sophisticated vocabulary. Not that he sounded ignorant or anything but he feels to my like a man that doesn't set himself up above another. I think that Mr. Carson is the very definition of The Wisdom of the Rustic myth that Larson spoke of. His story of extreme poverty growing up in Detroit and then becoming a Surgeon is exceptional. I liked his views on government assistance. His mother refused to go on government assistance and was a strong supporter of being self reliant. I liked that he said the he was not getting rid of the safety net for the people that really needed it. He is a supporter for getting rid of programs that create dependency. He is self made and a very smart man. I for one would support him if he were to be able to get the presidential nomination for sure. He sounds like a humble, strong, independent man.

  2. Gifted Hands is a great show and very motivational. No surprise that he is motivational in this speech because of his past. Great analysis of the speech. I believe that the possibility of success is the most prevalent in this speech. Knowing his past that is his drive, being successful. Overall this was a great analysis of his speech and what he used to get his message across. I love where you mentioned to vote on knowledge not just because he is a great speaker or motivator. He would be an excellent candidate for the presidential election. Perhaps people will vote for him because of his knowledge and understand what this country needs or maybe people will vote for him because he is black, which might be a good choice for once.

    1. "Perhaps people will vote for him because of his knowledge and understand what this country needs or maybe people will vote for him because he is black, which might be a good choice for once." I'd love to hear your explanation on this last sentence.
