This speech originally hit social media as the one minute speech that would change our lives. While this may be true there are twenty-five some odd other minutes of inspiration that people are missing out on.
Tactic of Positive and Negative Expertise were prevalent for me during this commencement speech. He reflects on his journey of becoming who he is today, and how and what he did to get there. This would be positive expertise. He does a great job expressing how we can follow in similar foot steps to achieve the success we desire. He uses the example of his father failing as negative expertise. His father became an accountant which he thought would be a safe career to peruse, when he actually wanted to be a comedian. After choosing what would seem to be the safer route his father was let go as an accountant. Jim explains that those were the most difficult times his family faced. Jim points out that we can all fail even if we play it safe, so why not go for it? He turned a negative tactic into a positive, that trickster.
Process Premise
The Second Process Premise of Happiness/Joy seemed to go well with this speech. I found myself feeling happy and joyful about life and my goals and aspirations during this speech. Jim even states it in his speech that his job is help people forget their cares. He definitely had me feeling good about life throughout the entire speech.
Jim's speech is very funny, inspirational, and thought provoking. By using the above mentioned tactics he does a great job persuading the audience to seek their dreams. Listening to the entire speech would be worth the time. By only listening to social media version you are missing out. It would be like ordering your favorite meal and eating only one bite, you're missing out on the rest of the deliciousness.